
Shout Outs

With Multeway's Shout Outs, you have the power to instantly initiate real-time connections with people in your immediate vicinity who share your interests and needs. It's like turning your smartphone into a community-building tool that's as dynamic as your lifestyle. Whether you're in the mood for a spontaneous coffee chat, a game of tennis, or simply want to find like-minded neighbors, Shout Outs is your go-to feature for revolutionizing your local social life. The ability to connect with individuals nearby who are looking for the same kind of interactions is a game-changer for those seeking vibrant, real-time local connections.


At Multeway, we believe that your experience should be uniquely yours. With our personalization features, you can customize your profile by selecting your interests, pinpointing your exact location, and specifying your unique requirements. This level of personalization ensures that every connection you make on our platform is not a random encounter but a meaningful interaction. Whether you're connecting with someone who shares your passion for hiking, or you're seeking recommendations for local cafes, our personalization features enable you to engage on a deeper level, ensuring that each connection aligns with your preferences, hobbies, and needs.


Stay connected with ease through our intuitive messaging platform. You can send and receive messages, arrange meetups, and develop new friendships all within the Multeway app. This feature is your direct channel for seamless communication with your local network, enabling you to chat with newfound friends, coordinate plans, and share your thoughts, experiences, and interests. It's not just a messaging platform; it's a gateway to fostering and nurturing connections within your local community.

Business Promotion

For local businesses, Multeway offers a unique opportunity to effectively target your ideal customer base. You can tailor your promotions based on user interests, behavior, and location. This makes it easier than ever to engage with your local audience and significantly boost your visibility in the community. Whether you run a cafe, a tutoring center, or any other local enterprise, Multeway is here to support your business's growth by connecting you with potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services.

Community building

Multeway is designed to put you in the driver's seat when it comes to shaping your local experience. You have the power to create private or public communities where you can engage with friends, peers, or those who share your passions and interests. Whether it's forming a sports club, organizing a parent support group, or creating a community for any other purpose, Multeway supports your vision for local interaction and collaboration. This feature empowers you to create and foster connections within your local community, making it easier to organize events, share knowledge, and connect with like-minded individuals.

Share media

Multeway offers you the opportunity to express yourself in a variety of ways. You can post texts, photos, and videos to share your thoughts, experiences, and moments with the community. This feature serves as your canvas to showcase your local adventures, your hobbies, and your unique personality. By sharing your experiences and media, you're not only creating a vibrant, dynamic profile but also connecting with others who may share similar interests and experiences. It's an avenue for self-expression, storytelling, and building deeper connections within your local network.

Explore these diverse features and revolutionize your local network with Multeway. Your local experience has never been more engaging or dynamic. Connect, engage, and maximize your neighborhood interactions like never before.